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The Power of a Good Morning Routine: Why It’s Worth Giving It a Try

Published on Mar 03, 2025
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We’ve all heard the saying, “Win the morning, win the day.” It’s a catchy phrase, but for many people, the idea of waking up early, let alone sticking to a structured morning routine, feels overwhelming. This is especially true if you don’t think of yourself as a morning person. Maybe you’re someone who naturally thrives in the quiet hours of the evening or struggles to peel yourself out of bed without hitting snooze several times (like I did today). The good news is morning routines aren’t about turning into a perfect early riser overnight — they’re about finding small, consistent habits that set the tone for the day ahead. Whether it’s taking a few minutes to stretch, planning your day over a cup of coffee, or simply carving out time to focus on yourself, a consistent morning routine can have a profound impact on your productivity, mindset, and overall well-being. Even small changes can make a big difference. In this blog, we’ll explore the power of a good morning routine and why it’s worth giving it a try.

Benefits of Waking Up Early: Why You Should Start Your Day Sooner

The first hurdle to building a good morning routine is simply getting up earlier. Don’t stop reading — hear me out! Trust me, I get it. The comfort of your bed is practically magnetic in the morning. But before you roll your eyes, consider this: waking up early doesn’t have to mean sacrificing your happiness (or sanity). It’s about creating a morning that works for you. Stick with me: While the thought of setting an alarm for 4:30 AM might sound extreme, waking up even 30 minutes earlier than usual can make a significant difference in your day. Here’s why:

  • More Control Over Your Day: Waking up early gives you a head start before the world starts making demands on your time. Most people are not up yet, so no one is dinging your inbox at 5 AM. You can focus on what matters most without distractions.
  • Increased Productivity: Studies show that early risers tend to be more proactive and organized. Who doesn't want to be more organized? You’re not rushing out the door, but instead setting the tone for the rest of your day.
  • Better Mental Health: Having quiet time in the morning to ease into your day can reduce stress and anxiety, giving you a sense of calm before the chaos begins.
  • Improved Physical Health: Early mornings are a great time to exercise, hydrate, and fuel your body properly, setting you up for better energy and focus throughout the day.
  • More Time for Yourself: Let’s face it: once the day starts, your time is no longer fully yours — especially if you have kids or a demanding job. For myself, getting up early allows me to prioritize myself before the day takes over. If I do not pour into me, I am no good in any other area of my life. I like to think of it as filling up my glass to the top to pour from a full glass instead of half.

When it comes to work, if you take care of yourself first, you are better equipped to manage client needs, move cases more efficiently, and provide the best possible service without feeling completely drained.

Best Morning Routine Ideas to Kickstart Your Day

If you’re not sure what to do with this newfound time in the morning, the key is to be intentional. The first 90 minutes of the day are crucial, and while not everyone can commit to that long, even 30-60 minutes can be impactful. Some ideas for how you can fill that time include:

  1. Exercise: Whether it’s a gym workout, a yoga session, or a quick run, getting your body moving early boosts your energy and metabolism.
  2. Hydrate & Fuel Your Body: Drinking water, making a nutritious breakfast, or having a protein shake can set you up for better energy levels.
  3. Cold Plunge or Sauna: These are the latest wellness trends for reducing inflammation and increasing focus. Some swear by the shock of cold water, while others prefer the heat of a dry sauna. I prefer to do neither of these. Cold water sounds awful to me! But if that is your cup of tea, go for it!
  4. Reading or Journaling: Starting the day with a few pages of a book or jotting down thoughts and goals can help center your mind. If you are like me, this is daunting; maybe start with just a stream-of-consciousness writing session. Write whatever comes to mind.
  5. Meditation: A few minutes of mindfulness can help with clarity, stress reduction, and overall emotional balance. There are so many free apps to help guide you in this practice.
  6. Tackling Your To-Do List: Some people feel the most productive early in the morning and use this time to check off important tasks before the day truly begins and your inbox starts to fill up.

Tips to Prevent Feeling Overwhelmed

One of the biggest reasons people abandon their morning routines is that they try to do too much at once. The goal isn’t to cram every wellness trend into your morning, but to create a sustainable habit that works for you. Here are a few tips to help you prevent feeling overwhelmed:

  • Start Small: If you’re used to waking up at 7 AM, don’t jump straight to 5 AM. Try setting your alarm 15 minutes earlier each week until you reach your goal.
  • Pick 2-3 Habits: Rather than trying to fit in exercise, reading, meditation, journaling, and a cold plunge all at once, start with just two or three habits that feel the most doable for you.
  • Be Realistic: Consider your schedule and what is realistic for you. If you know you have an especially busy day ahead, maybe opt for a shorter morning routine or focus on just one habit instead of trying to squeeze everything in.
  • Prepare the Night Before: Set out your workout clothes or plan your breakfast so you’re not scrambling when you wake up.
  • Try Different Things: Don't get stuck on the word "routine." Your morning routine doesn’t need to be the same every day. Experiment with different activities and see what works best for you. This way, you can mix things up and keep your routine feeling fresh.
  • Stay Flexible (Speaking to myself here!): Life happens. Kids wake up early, pets need attention, and some mornings just don’t go as planned. Don’t be discouraged — just do what you can and pivot when necessary. Most importantly, do not quit!

Tips for Sticking to Your Goals

I recently listened to a podcast by Gary Brecka (also known as The Ultimate Human). He talked about how the first 90 minutes of every day are his and his alone. He said he and his team plan his entire workday around those minutes. Everything else comes second. While that might not be realistic for everyone and can sound extreme — especially parents with young kids — the underlying principle is still valuable. Making time for yourself in the morning, even if it’s just 30 minutes — heck, just 5 to 10 minutes can have profound effects on your day.

For me, my “ideal” morning routine looks something like this: waking up at 4:30 AM, heading to an Orange Theory class at 5 AM, getting home by 6 AM, and spending 30 minutes drinking a protein shake or coffee while reading or journaling. But, of course, with two early-rising toddlers and a needy dog, my mornings don’t always go as planned. On the days I do manage to stick to my routine, though, I feel the difference in my energy, mood, and productivity.

I’ve also found that taking this time for myself makes me a better professional. When I sit down at my computer after a solid morning routine, I’m more focused, patient, and prepared to handle the challenges of the day. My team relies on me for guidance and problem-solving, and I can serve them better because I’ve taken care of myself first.

Building a good morning routine doesn’t happen overnight. It takes trial and error, discipline, and the willingness to pivot when things aren’t working. But the benefits of starting your day with intention and structure are well worth it. So, if you’re not a morning person, give it a try anyway. Start small, be kind to yourself, and adjust as needed. One step at a time, you’ll build a routine that works for you — and you’ll feel the difference in every aspect of your life. I would love to hear from you all. What is your ideal morning routine, and what steps do you take to make sure you are able to stick to it?

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