James Amaro
Amaro Law Firm

Pam Wheeler
Bart Durham Injury Law

Chad McLain
Graves McLain PLLC

Ken Levinson
Levinson and Stefani Injury Lawyers
“Vista’s team of experts help to shape me into a better Managing Attorney. They do it without fear and with so much grace, humility, and patience! Vista has done it and seen it all. They have recommendations for everything. They have consultants for different parts of your business, whether it would be finance, HR, etc. They’re really kind of a one-stop-shop when it comes to finding like a wealth of knowledge to answer questions that maybe you just feel like you can't answer yourself."

David Miller
Amaro Law Firm
"I think Vista in the market is the steady, honest, always there, stable coach, mentor, and helper for law firms. Anytime I have a colleague anywhere in the country who's got a law firm, and they have an issue - whether it's bringing on another lawyer, buying or selling a firm, budget struggles, or running the business… Vista's there."

Ken Levinson
Levinson and Stefani Injury Lawyers
"There are things that everyone is doing that they need to stop doing, and there are things that you're doing that you need to do more of. And Vista is a great place to figure out what those things are so you can really sharpen your focus on the best way for you to succeed."

Josh Sanford
Sanford Law Firm
"For years and years and years, we just paged out new business calls to the entire team, and there was no protocol on who to take them. I went to an intake boot camp, and out of that, we created an intake department."

Pam Wheeler
Bart Durham Injury Law
"We’re going to be able to get more cases, we are going to be able to flow through the process more, and we're going to have more money that ultimately is going to surpass what we paid for boot camp."

Madison Metro
Commonwealth Law Group
"You should definitely attend. From the information we obtained from the intake boot camp and case management boot camp, we realized that we need to have written procedures, we need to train on those written procedures, and we need to track those written procedures."

Shirley Kelly
William Mattar Law Offices
"I can say that having taken all of our team leads to this conference last year it was amazingly eye-opening for them to not only see top performers in person but to excitedly jot their goals down and share them after the conference."

Ross Jurewitz
Jurewitz Law Group Injury & Accident Lawyers
"This is a very engaging conference. The speakers interact with the audience nicely. There is never a lull throughout the day. This is an experience where you will come away with something to implement no matter where you are in the firm."

Bonnie Robinson
Bart Durham Injury Law
"I’m really glad I came out for a couple days to share information - I have learned so much."

Karl Truman
Karl Truman Law Office
"Vista conferences are very informative and important to attend. I would encourage anyone to attend - everyone can learn something here."

Lorenza Beckner
Bart Durham Injury Law
"Vista conferences are decidedly different. I’ve been to conferences all over the country and they are different because they focus more on surviving, they focus on how you can grow your firm. What I am learning here is how to be the best of the best."

Tom Blackburn
Blackburn & Green
"I’ve been so inspired so far from the conference. It’s refreshing to hear that other people in the industry are going through the same things we are going through and the ways they have overcome issues and grown."

Alyssa Velez
McCready Law
"I’ve been a big fan of Vista for a long time. The depth of analysis that they give is astounding. Getting this kind of insight that they have learned from across the industry is great. The people that attend Vista Conferences are here to learn and improve their business."

Seth Price
Price Benowitz LLP
“I have to confess, I was initially skeptical that Vista could significantly improve my firm. Heck, we are a small firm (4 lawyers) in a small city and have been in business for 60+ years. Frankly, we were already doing well and had managed to carve out a successful business handling personal injury and malpractice cases. But I met (and liked) Tim McKey and we were having a good year, so I thought, let’s give them a try to see if they can offer any meaningful improvement. I am happily surprised to say that hiring Vista is one of the best business decisions I ever made. Vista analyzed and made recommendations in a few key areas and helped us implement changes in those areas. In less that one year, we are already reaping substantial dividends from those simple changes. As lawyers, we think we are pretty smart and know our business well, but I can tell you that inviting an outside set of experienced eyes to take a close look at the way your firm operates WILL reveal many things you never saw and many areas for improvement. If you want to REALLY learn about your firm and how to improve it, I HIGHLY recommend a consultation with Vista.”

Jim Reed
Ziff Law Firm - Elmira, NY
“We met with Vista for a strategic planning session as our firm is at the crossroads and we wanted some outside perspective to help us with our planning. Vista provided a very focused environment so that we could develop our “Painted Picture” or 5-year plan. As we were very involved in the process, the conclusions we arrived at were not surprising to us, but having a road map to help us take the next step has been very beneficial to us. We have been working on the required steps and are making progress, and we do always come back to the Painted Picture and the principles we discussed in realizing our objectives. It is very much an ongoing process, and we know Vista is there for us, if and when we need their further input and objective perspective. Vista’s knowledge of the inner working of plaintiff personal injury law firms allowed them to offer their insight and perspective to our unique circumstances. The fact that we are in Canada proved to be no barrier to understanding what our firm is all about.”

Wendy & David Share
Share Lawyers - Toronto, ON
“After founding and managing one of Nevada’s largest personal injury law firms for over 30 years, and teaching law practice management, I didn’t think there was much a consultant could do for me. I initially asked Vista, ‘Why would I pay you to tell me what’s wrong with my firm – when I already know it?’ Their response was, ‘We’ll help you fix it.’ That had actually never occurred to me, which showed how much I needed them. Beginning with the onsite visit and comprehensive Needs Assessment, the Vista team not only helped fix what I already knew needed attention, I’m pleased to admit they revealed and helped us resolve several problem areas I previously didn’t know about. Not only that, through consistent coaching conferences and initiation of dynamic reporting of key performance indicators, Vista trained and transitioned a new management team to take our firm to the next level. I’m completely satisfied with Vista and recommend their services to any firm, large or small.”

Richard Harris
Richard Harris Law Firm - Las Vegas, NV
“As our firm grew, it became difficult to track the progress of cases through the various units, along with the customer service provided to our clients. Vista developed dashboards for all this and more! When viewing our dashboard, I now have all the important data at my fingertips: client contact, file review, the number of demands filed, files placed in suit, and so much more! Our unit managers also use these tools to ensure that attorneys and staff are staying on-track. As Managing Partner, I am pulled in many directions at once and am often out of the office — the dashboard allows me to zero in on issues as they develop, regardless of my location or the time of day. Great solution for us!”

Paul B. Harding
Martin, Harding & Mazzotti LLP
“Vista has been a consultant to our firm for almost two years. One of the best business decisions I made was to retain Vista. They know plaintiff personal injury firms A-Z. And that’s how they analyze your firm, its efficiencies (or lack thereof or worse), office design/flow, reception procedures, telephone procedures, equipment of all types, etc. If you think your office is running at the top of its game and you don’t need them, you’re probably wrong. I can’t imagine Vista not being able to improve even the best run firms. The payback from what they do is likely to be realized within the 1st 3-6 months.”

Jerry Parker
Parker Waichman LLP
“I have been working with Tim McKey and the folks at Vista Consulting Team for many years. From attending their conferences to hiring them for a comprehensive firm review, I attribute much of the success of the firm to the techniques they share. As they have grown, the advice they provide goes to a higher level. What started with a focus on metrics and KPI’s (which are still the building blocks) has risen to a focus on team building, firm culture and improved means of delivering legal services. It’s been my privilege to work with them and I can’t recommend them highly enough.”

Michael McCready
McCready Law Injury Attorneys - Chicago, IL
“The Joye Law Firm would whole-heartedly recommend Vista Consulting’s services. It’s been nearly two years since Vista did the initial needs assessment at our firm, followed by several weeks of ‘boots on the ground’ work. With the benefit of hindsight, I can easily say that improvements we’ve made as the result of their services have more than paid for the costs of the same (and that was probably true a few months in). This is true based on improvements in our case management efficiency and especially in regard to better intake procedures. Our average new cases per month have increased 50%, and this is due in large part on our doing a better job of following up on potential new clients.”

Kenny Harrell
Joye Law Firm - Charleston, SC
“They have worked with us to improve how many new cases we sign-up. They constantly are coaching us in ways we can do things better in that regard. In our weekly meetings we go over our new case sign-ups, our demand times and various other statistics and topics. They hold us accountable to ourselves… I could go on & on – our accounting department was also restructured based much on their recommendations.”

Bill Berg
Berg Injury Lawyers - Alameda, CA
“Within a short time of working with the Vista team, the main accomplishment – one that I did not anticipate – was to find a way to ensure the things I valued were actually being done by my team. We have become a firm driven by client service, and the Vista dashboard reports and other tools help us achieve those goals. It’s hard to do all of the above without a plan, and Vista has worked directly with my internal team to not only come up with a right-fit plan, but also helped us implement that plan successfully.”

Gary O. Bruce
Law Offices of Gary Bruce - Columbus, GA
“From operations to accounting, from marketing to income production, the team at Vista has done it all and seen it all. They bring all of the experience and commitment to excellence to bear and work with you to achieve the results that you have dreamed of, but been unable to reach. I know it works, I am living it.”

John Michael Bailey
John Michael Bailey Injury Lawyers - Memphis, TN
"If someone was on the fence about Vista, I would say, give it one conference, and you'll be convinced."

Kelly Powers