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Top 7 Mistakes Law Firms Make During Intake #6: Belief That It Is All Under Control

Published on Sep 08, 2017
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The good news about intake is that if you fix it today, you will see benefits tomorrow. The bad news about intake is that you can't ever let your guard down. It is not one of those things that you can get right and forget about it. You have to constantly be monitoring it, making sure systems and processes are maintaining integrity and making sure that you are up to date with the latest trends in the business.

We have looked at the intake departments of small firms and large firms—firms that are processing thousands of leads per month, and firms that are handling a few dozen per month. It is the same for all of these firms: You have to audit your intake department on a regular basis to make sure that everything is continuing to flow smoothly.

At Vista, we can audit your intake department remotely or come on-site for an intake audit. We often run into firms that tell us, "We have been doing intake for years and we have it under control." We offer them what we offer every Vista client, "If you are not 100% satisfied with the value we add to your firm from the audit, we will refund your money." We have done this for dozens of law firms and have not had one ask for a refund. The point is that every firm can improve its intake systems and processes and can always get better. Complacency in intake has cost firms a lot of money.

Part of not getting complacent is staying on top of the latest technology. Each year we see changes in the industry. Information and data that is available for call tracking and call monitoring gets better each year. Clients who are comfortable with signing contracts electronically goes up each year. If you are not researching these changes, or in touch with someone who is, you can get left behind.

Bottom line...if you don’t think you have anything you need to improve with your intake processes...I am telling you that you do. Don't get complacent!

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