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The Overthinker's Odyssey: Unraveling the Knots of the Mind

Published on Jul 17, 2023
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For as long as I can remember, I’ve been an overthinker. I once wore that characteristic about myself like a badge of honor. That I was gifted at perfect decision-making by believing that if my mind played through every possible scenario, the end result would be shock and awe with the best solution. That I was ready for whatever life tossed my way, and I wouldn’t ever be caught napping. Resources were preserved, and only those who needed to be involved were.

Years ago, I learned that not every brain is programmed this way (nor should it be). That it’s possible to be presented with an opportunity, make a decision, and then move on. Excuse me? No unpacking every detail from every viewpoint or second-guessing decisions long after they’ve happened? No thinking about it until you exhaust yourself with scenarios and then procrastinate on taking action because you’re paralyzed with “what if” fear? Who are these magical creatures who just make decisions as if the fate of the world does not hang in the balance?

In truth, as I advanced in my professional career, I felt like I had to keep my overthinking to myself – like a secret no one could know. Frequently, there seemed to be more time spent thinking than doing. I would quietly play through all the possible scenarios in my head, making a thoughtful, albeit, slow, decision before moving on to the next one. When I realized this was happening and that it was impacting my potential and productivity, I knew something had to change about how I managed my thinking.

Hacks from a former overthinker

Navigating the vast landscape of our minds can be a daunting task, especially when it’s teeming with wild thoughts, fears, paralytic habits, and doubts. These unwelcome intruders often gallop freely, causing chaos and clouding our clarity. But fear not, for I have found ways to tame this mental wilderness. So, saddle up as I share my personal strategies. When my unbridled thoughts start running wild with my fears and doubts, here’s what I do to wrangle my ruminating mind:

Remind yourself about yourself

I’ve created a running list of the things — varying in degrees of difficulty — that I’ve overcome or accomplished, both personally and professionally. I’m of the belief that overthinking manifests itself in all areas of my life. Some of the events on that list are — surviving a plane losing an engine mid-flight, presenting in front of an audience without passing out from public speaking, and navigating my way through high-courage conversations. After I read my (more robust) list, I’m reminded that this isn’t the first time I’ve had similar doubts about my ability or skillset. Yet, those premature thoughts did not keep me from lacing up to blaze a trail. Plus, looking back at what you’ve already experienced is a huge confidence boost. Now what does the desired outcome for this look like? Once I have that visual, I reverse engineer the steps to get me there and channel my finite time and energy into decision-making and productive action.

Positive words from friends

Maybe I’m a party of one, but jotting down positive words to describe myself doesn’t come naturally or with ease. As part of my mental well-being plan for 2022, I started seeing a therapist. This endeavor has been enlightening for a variety of reasons, but one of the biggest benefits has been an improvement in my communication skills – with others and with myself.

During one of my sessions, my therapist asked me what my strengths were. Easy question, right? Not for me. At that moment, no words sprung to mind. All I could offer was a deer-in-headlights look. To get me to blink, she asked me to do an exercise. Ask my closest friends to provide me with a list of my strengths and areas for improvement. Easy enough. I sent a message to three of my friends, asking them for complete honesty since I have thick-ish skin, and explained what I needed from them to complete this exercise. The responses they provided were humbling, and I’ll share one from each list with you:

“Kindness and empathy – I always marvel at your kindness, and it inspires me to do better.”

Areas for improvement
“Overthinks and overanalyzes situations/interactions, even minor ones.” Oof!

Good friends will tell you what you need to hear, not what you want to hear. On my desk is a printed copy of their collective responses. I reference the list when I need to be reminded of what I’m putting out into the universe. That my strengths outweigh my opportunities for improvement, so channel those to keep rocking forward.

I encourage you to deposit positive words in those moving through life with you – friends, family, team members, your neighbors, and so on. Whether it’s similar to the exercise I did with my friends or in everyday greetings, positive words have a positive impact.

Seek out inspiration

There’s something incredibly potent about the right combination of words. They have the power to uplift, motivate, and transform our thoughts and actions. Great quotes are my go-to source for inspiration. They act like a shot of espresso to my weary mind, rejuvenating me with their wisdom and insight.

Every time I read a powerful quote, it gives me pause. It’s as if time stands still for a moment, allowing the profound meaning to sink in. These quotes can be transformative, pushing me to question my perspectives, challenge my assumptions, and expand my horizons. They make me ponder upon life’s complexities and simplicities and often lead me to unearth valuable insights about myself and the world around me.

Motivational quotes, in particular, act as a catalyst, spurring me on when the going gets tough. They remind me of my strength and resilience and fuel my determination to overcome obstacles. They’re like invisible cheerleaders, silently yet persistently cheering me on from the sidelines.

Other quotes make me slow down and reflect. In the hustle and bustle of life, it’s easy to lose sight of what truly matters. These thought-provoking quotes act as gentle reminders, nudging me to reevaluate my priorities and realign my actions with my values.

I usually have several go-to quotes that I reference regularly. Some of them are scribbled on Post-it notes stuck on my mirror, some are saved on my phone, while others are etched in my memory. Each one serves a unique purpose – to inspire, motivate, provoke thought, or simply to remind me of the beauty and wonder of life.

Remember: Words are powerful. As a serial student, I am constantly seeking knowledge and wisdom to grow and evolve. My quest is to become a better version of myself with each passing day. While the future may hold uncertainties and things beyond my control, one thing I’m certain of is my own potential and resolve. As I look ahead, I see the woman I’m striving to become. She’s confident, resilient, and unafraid to chase her dreams. And I know, without a shadow of a doubt, that she’s got this!

Interrupt the loop

From time to time, a conversation I had or a decision I made plays on a loop between my ears. When this happens, I’ll ask myself some self-reflection questions:

Was there something I should have done differently to prepare for this?

Is there an unknown that I need clarity on?

If not, it’s time to move on (which is easier said than done sometimes.) Engaging in an activity such as walking, baking, or yoga helps me busy my brain with something else and refocus my perspective. Physical activities, whether it’s a brisk walk in the park, time spent cleaning the house, or a tranquil yoga session, can serve as a potent antidote to a restless mind. Finding ways to move your body releases endorphins, the body’s natural mood lifters, helping to alleviate stress and promote a sense of well-being. These practices of grounding help to declutter my mind, transforming the cacophony of my fears into a symphony of serenity.

Turn down the dial

Remember, it’s perfectly normal to have fears and doubts. They’re part of the human experience. But by employing these strategies and developing ones unique to you, you can harness your overthinking mind and steer it towards positivity and peace. With time, I’ve learned what healthy thinking is and to trust that based on what is known to me, I made the right decision at the right time. I’ve embraced where I am and acknowledge that I’m a work in progress. When the noise gets too loud, remember to draw strength from past experiences and the positive words provided by your circle of influence. It’s eye-opening how silencing that can be and how far it will propel you.

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