So now that many firms have mastered the logistics of setting up team members to work from home and figuring out how to manage performance remotely, let's talk about what we can do now to prepare for the impending "dip" as a result of these COVID-19 shelter in place orders.
With the drop in lead volume so many PI firms are experiencing, you may find that support team members have additional capacity. Well, there's always something to do, be it miscellaneous administrative tasks, organizing & clean up of paper and electronic files, etc., but what's really the best use of their time?
We believe it's time spent devoting extra personal attention and building relationships with your current clients. These days we are surrounded by uncertainty more than ever and it can be frightening for many. Wouldn't it be nice to receive a compassionate call from your lawyer's office saying "I was thinking about you and I just wanted to give you a call to ask how you're doing?" Many people are very lonely right now due to the physical distancing of loved ones, and an unexpected call like this can mean the world to your clients!
Typically we are all so busy completing tasks and checking off boxes that it's easy to lose sight of the relationship with our clients, even though WE KNOW it's the relationship that drives increases in word of mouth referrals. Let's take advantage of this newfound capacity to reach out to our clients and freely give them more of our most precious resource - our time!
There are two ways to grow your revenue: 1.) Sign up more clients and 2.) Add value to existing client cases. With #1 being temporarily taken off the table, this is the perfect time to focus on #2.
While we consider new ways to build value and combat anticipated arguments from insurers due to gaps in treatment related to this crisis, let's also remember to show our existing clients - our referral base - that we really do care. Build that bond.Several months from now we are going to feel the impact of this "Dip" again. There will be fewer cases in demand, few cases to resolve, and for many, a drop in revenue. Remember, this is temporary. Let's plan for it now and focus on what we can control - The Client Experience!