Did you know that great authors like Franz Kafka, Harper Lee, and Agatha Christie wrote some of their most influential and famous pieces in their spare time as they worked full-time jobs? Many of us are experiencing unprecedented “spare time.”
It’s important to think about what we can be doing now in order to sow the seeds of success for the future. What does that look like for many law firms? From Vista’s perspective, it means taking the time to invest in your operations and processes. Many firms are experiencing an odd calmness in the midst of this storm. Calls have slowed and some team members are sitting on their hands waiting for things to pick up.
Remember: Some of the greatest gifts come in unexpected packages. Don’t allow this time to wile away mired in frustration and paralysis. Embrace the opportunity! It’s the perfect time for the proverbial sharpening of your saw. At Vista Consulting, we know how to assist firms with:
We can help you make a big impact on your business so that when some sense of normalcy is returned, you’ll not only have landed on your feet, you’ll hit the ground running. Reach out to us today to learn how a firm assessment and ongoing work with Vista can help your team weather the storm.