In last week’s blog, Turning the Tables, we explored the concept and inherent power to be found in the intentional practice of reverse mentorship, which connects younger team members with senior team members and encourages the sharing of generational experiences and understanding. Reverse mentorship programs offer organizations the opportunity to gain insight and new perspectives simply by viewing every team member as a valuable resource and a critical part of the larger vision and mission of the business. Companies that have instituted thoughtful reverse mentorship programs have seen gains in creativity, productivity, problem-solving, and morale.
As with all things organizational, the process of implementing a reverse mentorship program must be done carefully and thoughtfully. While organic generational experience sharing can absolutely happen, if you want to see meaningful and impactful byproducts of this practice, you can’t just sit back and hope it happens. In this week’s blog, we’ll show you how to implement a successful reverse mentorship program at your law firm.